Policy overweight, listed companies in equipment manufacturing industry accelerate "going to sea"

2021/11/26 15:24:05

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Under the background of vigorously promoting the "going out" of equipment manufacturing industry, the pace of "going out" of listed companies has been significantly accelerated. On May 26, China Wuyi, Qilian Mountain, Ningbo construction engineering and other companies announced the new layout of overseas business.
Analysts pointed out that the guidance on promoting international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation has been issued, relevant supporting policies and measures will be introduced one after another, key industries such as equipment manufacturing and engineering construction will obviously benefit from supporting policies, and the performance of relevant listed companies is worth looking forward to.
Listed companies accelerate "going out"
Wuyi, China announced on May 26 that the company has recently undertaken four construction projects in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. Construction contracts or subcontracts of construction projects have been signed, and the cumulative contract amount is about 454 million yuan. Among these contracts, the longest construction period is 20 months and the shortest is 270 days. With the promotion of the contract, it will bring operating profits to Wuyi, China.
Qilian Mountain announced on May 26 that on May 25, Qilian Mountain, No. 8 Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Kyrgyz JBK Construction Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum on the joint development and construction of Kyrgyz abshir cement production line project in Osh Prefecture, Kyrgyzstan. According to the contents of the memorandum, the three parties plan to jointly invest in the construction of cement production line project in southern Kyrgyzstan, with a total investment of about US $130 million. Qilian Mountain and MCC 8 Construction Group Co., Ltd. account for 80% and Kyrgyzstan accounts for 20%. From May, they will jointly study and discuss all details of cooperation.

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